Our maps are not only a background. Choose from hundreds of layers; zip codes, traffic bans, restrictions for heavy goods vehicles, POIs, traffic jams, traffic jams and many more.
Store locator? Fleet and transport management system? CRM? Geomarketing? Mobile application? Supply area management? GIS? We will help you choose the right solution tailored to your needs.
These are the first maps for transport that contain such a wide range of data and possibilities. Overcome your geographical and logistical challenges with us.
The basis of good quality maps is their timeliness. Every day 28 terabytes of data are collected, which are later processed and made available in weekly updates.
We provide the highest level of data accuracy required for conducting business analyzes or determining travel times.
Our maps cover 196 countries and are available in many languages. Thanks to different styles and adaptability, you can use them for many different applications.
We provide several different map styles, such as: hybrid map, satellite images, versions for mobile devices, current traffic problems.
We provide constant access to the most current data, in various formats, thematic layers and at many levels of scale.
You can use primers with the help of the most popular map libraries such as Leaflet, Mapbox, HERE and OpenLayers.
Placematic USA LLC
332. S Michigan Ave STE 121-5187
Chicago, IL 60604
Placematic sp. z o.o.
Wita Stwosza 48/105
02-661 Warsaw